How you can help!

Want to Help a Victim of Sex Trafficking?

One of the many shelters that helps women and girls escape the sex trade is Rahab's Hideaway, located in Columbus, Ohio. They are always in need of personal items to give to the women who pass through their house on their way to a better life. If you would like to donate any of the items below, you can give them to me throughout the entire month of October!  

•Panties (new; in packaging all sizes up to size 8)
•Bras (new and all sizes; they can be sport bras)
•Gift Cards (for food and clothing)
•Pads & Tampons
•Lotions (no travel sizes)
•Toothbrushes and toothbrush caps
•Shampoo and conditioner (no travel sizes please)
•Hair care items, (combs, brush (for all hair types) hair grease, oil sheen, gel, hair ties hair accessories).
•Hair for braiding packs